Sans-Uteri Membership




What is Sans-Uteri?

San-Uteri connects women with others who have had or are considering reproductive organ surgery.  The digest is an open forum for members to ask questions, share  information, and participate in discussions regarding their experiences.  Members can share information and treatments that they found helpful either before or after surgery.

The mission of San-Uteri is to connect women who are being told they need a hysterectomy today with women who can provide helpful and realistic information.  This information can help women to make informed choices based on the experiences of the women who have had surgery.  By creating a collective voice, Sans-Uteri has the opportunity to help future generations of women who may be facing the surgical and non-surgical options.


Membership is currently under transformation as our blog is not currently active.


If you want to be placed on a notice list for when membership opens again, please e-mail us at:


This page was last updated October 14, 2011
& is located at


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Medical disclaimer:  

Always seek the advice and supervision of a health care professional when considering any information found on the Internet.  The information contained on this website cannot take the place of personalized medical advice and treatment from a qualified physician.  The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to her or his health, particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or treatment.


Website disclaimer:

Sans-Uteri Hysterectomy Forum, founded by Beth Tiner October 24, 1996, has been under the leadership of Drs. Elizabeth and Marcus Plourde since October 25, 2005.


Copyright notice:

The material on this PRIVATE list & website is copyrighted. information and listserv entries may not be reproduced, forwarded, or quoted from without written permission from the List Managers.

© Copyright 1996-2011 / New Voice for Health