Fibroids and Endometriosis Books

Suggested by Sans-Uteri Members

Knowledge is power;

understanding is enlightenment



These books have been recommended by Sans-Uteri members who found them helpful.  We the members of Sans-Uteri suggest reading all that you can about your particular situation so you can make informed choices.



  • Additional information and Amazon Reader Reviews are linked to the individual "Buy from" buttons.

  • When available, Sans-Uteri member reviews are linked under the author information.

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Books:  Fibroids



The Hysterectomy Hoax

The Truth About Why Many Hysterectomies Are Unnecessary and How to Avoid Them

by Stanley West, M.D.

This is a great book for women with fibroids.  It is written in an understandable format outlining how myomectomies (the removal of just the fibroids) is a much better practice than removing the uterus along with fibroids.  He says no fibroid is too large as he has removed them the size of basketballs.  Today most physicians are not trained to perform myomectomies and may have to revert to a hysterectomy if the fibroids are beyond their skill level.  Dr. West practices in Manhattan (212) 628-2100

Sex, Lies, and the Truth about Uterine Fibroids

A Journey from Diagnosis to Treatment to Renewed Good Health

by Carla Dionne

 The Other Choice

A Comprehensive Guide for Women with Uterine Fibroids

by Sophie Bartsich and Ernst G. Bartsich, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.

Books:  Endometriosis

Explaining Endometriosis

by Lorraine Henderson and Ros Wood

Endometriosis Answer Book

New Hope, New Help

by Niels H. Larersen, M.D., Ph.D.

Coping with Endometriosis

A Practical Guide

by Robert Phillips, Ph.D., Glenda Motta, R.N.


Links to Other Recommended Books by Subject:

bullet Books: Hysterectomy and Oophorectomy
bullet Books: Premenopause and Menopause
bullet Books: Hormone Replacement Therapy
bullet Books: Women's General Health


This page was last updated October 25, 2005
and is located at


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Always seek the advice and supervision of a health care professional when considering any information found on the Internet.  The information contained on this website cannot take the place of personalized medical advice and treatment from a qualified physician.  The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to her or his health, particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or treatment.


Website disclaimer:

Sans-Uteri Hysterectomy Forum, founded by Beth Tiner October 24, 1996, has been under the leadership of Drs. Elizabeth and Marcus Plourde since October 25, 2005.


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