What can't I post?
Do not post "I had my hysterectomy 20 years ago, never felt better, think you women should stop feeling sorry for yourselves and get on with life." You would not be the first one to say this callous thing, you will not be the last, but you certainly would be just one more person who does not understand that we would if we could.
Do not try and sell your "miracle widget" to the list or invite us to sign your Aunty Mary's online 50th wedding anniversary card. Jokes are not welcome here, but a sense of humor and LOTS of patience are.
Flaming is not permitted. Things like "You suck, you are stupid, how could you have gotten such a dumb idea " etc., are not appropriate. There is a way to say "huh, interesting point, Beth. My opinion is ___." Remember, we are a large group of people from around the world representing most religious and political persuasions as well as most life choices.
Don't send "test" or "I want off!" messages to the list. Problems with the list should be sent to the list manager. For more help see United.
I have a question but do not want to join.
You may send one piece of email with any number of hysterectomy related questions to the list moderator for inclusion in one digest. If approved, your email will go to all the list members who will be asked to respond to you privately if they have any suggestions, answers or feedback.
I want to announce my service/product/research project to the list, may I?
If it is hysterectomy related you may
send it and it will be considered for inclusion.
What does it mean that the list is a moderated digest?
All intended posts are sent to the list moderator who will either forward them to the list or reject them because they:
- were off topic (jokes for example)
- were found to be inappropriate
- had an attachment
- were commercial advertisements
No notification of email being rejected will be sent out, and questions about appropriateness will be referred here, to the SU FAQ. There will be no debate because all messages must follow
Sans-Uteri's policies.
We are in digest format only which delivers one e-mail message containing all posts for the day to each subscriber.
Changing your email address
Email your old and new email addresses to
List Managers. FYI: you must send email to the list from the EXACT address you subscribe to SU with. JaneDoe@aol.com is not the same as JaneDoe@2cowherd.net.
Do not "Reply-To" the list. Address a new piece of email to
sans-uteri@findings.net and copy and paste any info you want to share with the list into the newly addressed email. Sending an entire previous digest to the list is not desired.