List Managers' Message
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Dear Sans-Uteri Members and Guests, Introduction
Elizabeth Plourde, C.L.S., NCMP, Ph.D. NAMs Certified Menopause Practitioner Clinical Laboratory Scientist Medical Researher Health Coach Author
We have dedicated the last 25-years of our lives to research, writing, publishing, and speaking on the effects of reproductive organ removal. As a result, Marcus and I are honored about having Beth pass the Sans-Uteri (SU) baton on to us to continue the great forum that Beth was so inspired to create for women to help other women. Thank you Beth for all that you have done, as you have helped countless numbers of women to be in communication and to understand that they are not alone! We highly value the support all of you provide and receive from this forum. Some of you already know me (Elizabeth) and my story from personal contact, my telling my story on 20/20, Good Morning America, SU postings, my books, and from the workshops I have presented internationally. For those who do not know, I fell into the depths of hell and was only partially functioning when I had an oophorohysterectomy (uterus, cervix, and ovaries) in 1985. My research began then when I started experiencing many of the biochemical changes that occur with loss of our ovarian hormones, and my doctor told me that all my symptoms were in my head. Everything in me screamed, “No, I know I am different! There is a chemical change that is difficult to describe.” When we eventually found a regimen of bio-identical hormones that my body could absorb, I felt like me again! At that point, I vowed to find out all that I could about the impact these surgeries have on women and how to help them. I was very grateful for my Clinical Laboratory Scientist background in biochemistry as I began reading every research article I could find in the medical libraries in regard to hysterectomy and ovary removal. In the process, I spent many years studying just hormone replacement. The more I read, the more I knew HRT would be the only way to restore me to a person who could function again. Not like I was before surgery, but as much as possible as one can be restored to without their natural ovaries. The medical literature only reinforced my realization that there are many changes that occur with organ removal, and women deserve to be informed prior to surgery, as well as supported after surgery, AND provided with the ability to regain their biochemical balance. My research has made me understand we are 6 billion unique biochemical beings on this planet. Each woman’s outcome from these surgeries can have different a result. ♥ Elizabeth
Dr. Plourde is available for telephone Educational Health Consultations Put her 25 years of experience to work for you! Contact her for a download of her health evaluation so she can review it before your actual interview. E-mail:
Purpose and Mission It is our mission to support all women who have undergone these surgeries and to change the global mindset that it is okay to remove women’s reproductive organs for reasons other than cancer. Our goal is that all women attain life-long vibrant health. As such, our commitment is to education to: The Medical Community: 1. Recognition of the hormonal imbalance and structural changes that can be created by these surgeries. 2. Research for technologies that preserve the function of the uterus and ovaries as women need solutions for their reproductive organ problems that value the contributions these organs provide throughout their lives. 3. Recognition and treating women for the potential health consequences that can accompany organ removal. Inform Women Before Surgery: 1. Our first book is dedicated to women being fully informed as to the effect of both uterus and ovary removal, before the make their decision or sign a consent. 2. The ovaries are protective organs that perform valuable functions that impact every other system in the body and deserve to be preserved. 3. To create the understanding the uterus and its supporting structures are valuable and alternative treatments that save the uterus should continue to be investigated and women offered them before hysterectomy, which should only be used as a last resort for relief of reproductive organ problems.
Inform Women After Surgery: 1. Understanding that each woman has a unique biochemistry and internal structure, which leads to a wide variety of outcomes from these surgeries. 2. Each women be validated for the outcomes she is experiencing. 3. For those who’s ovarian function was either disrupted by a hysterectomy-only and for all who have had their ovaries removed, an understanding of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy and how it can restore healthy functioning.
We are seeing changes in the medical community and studies are beginning to validate the conclusions we have arrived at from reading the medical literature. However, there is much left to do, so join us in speaking up and telling our daughters and granddaughters our stories so they can start insisting on reproductive organ treatments that create health. As we speak up, physicians and researchers will seek out alternatives that utilize lesser invasive treatments to solve women’s reproductive organ problems and preserve the ovaries. Women should not have to spend their time during the second half of their lives trying to seek health care professionals who will acknowledge and treat their symptoms. We look forward to continuing Sans-Uteri’s mission to bring women together to support each other, seek answers, and obtain help they can use. Best wishes, ♥ Elizabeth
This page was last updated October 14, 2011
Medical disclaimer: Always seek the advice and supervision of a health care professional when considering any information found on the Internet. The information contained on this website cannot take the place of personalized medical advice and treatment from a qualified physician. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to her or his health, particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or treatment.
Website disclaimer: Sans-Uteri Hysterectomy Forum, founded by Beth Tiner
October 24, 1996, h
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