Helpful Resources



Doctors & Professionals
Email Lists & Chat Sites
Hormone Replacement Therapy Information:
  General Information
  Compounding Pharmacies
Laboratories for Hormone Testing
Medical Groups
Medical Procedures and Information
Natural Products for Women
Doctors & Professionals

  • "Alternatives to Hysterectomy" Michael E. Toaff, M.D. "I am a physician who specializes in infertility and uterine-sparing surgery. I have extensive experience in managing women who have been told they must have a hysterectomy; I have succeeded in helping the vast majority of these women by non-surgical or uterine-sparing surgery. Email your questions to me." or call (888) 297-9904
  • Dr. Elisa Lottor presents "Hormone Questions? Ask Dr. Lottor!" She is a naturopath & nutritionist with a special interest in alternatives to HRT for menopause. Email her.
  • Marci Javril's Vital Energist Bodywork Services, specializing in Post-Surgical Intervention. This comprehensive self-help program makes up a protocol that can be utilized immediately following any kind of surgery, and includes lymphatic clearing, colon parastalsis, relaxation & visualizations, energy balancing, simple stretches and nutritional guidelines, as well as scar softening and adhesion prevention. Even old scars can benefit from a progressive program. For more information, or a private phone, email or in-person consultation, contact her at:

    13428 Maxella Ave. #136

    Marina del Rey, CA  90066

     (310) 306-9838

  • Dr. Sara Klein Ridgley is an alternative practitioner, Doctor of psychology and a nutritionist and a homeopath with a lot of experience with hysterectomy.

  • Do you want to post a comment on your doctor's performance at Health Grades?

  • Email Lists and Chat Sites

  • WITSENDO (Women interested in treatment & support of endometriosis): To join, send an email to: Leave the subject area blank. In the message write "subscribe witsendo" (leave off the quotes) and your first and last name. PLUS: (newsgroup)
  • Premature Ovarian Failure, Founder: Catherine, alternative email. The list address.
  • HOPE (Hysterectomy and Oophorectomy Patients Empowered) is an AOL Chat Group. This group was formed for the exchange of information and support among women who have experienced difficult after effects as a result of their hysterectomies/oophorectomies. We meet in regular chats on Mondays at 6pm Pacific, 9pm Eastern and Thursdays at 10am Pacific, 1pm Eastern in a private room. This is reached by going to keyword People Connection, Clicking Rooms, Clicking Private Rooms, then typing in SURGICAL MENOPAUSE and clicking go. Additionally, we have a message board located in Better Health on AOL. This is located by going to keyword Better Health, clicking on message boards, then clicking women's health, then surgical menopause.
  • Friend's Health Connection provides customized, one-to-one support for individuals and/or their families with health-related problems. We seek to alleviate the devastation illness can bring by providing support from people who have first hand knowledge of the same health problems. Email Roxanne Black. 800/48-FRIEND, PO Box 114 New Brunswick NJ 08903.

  • Incontinence support group Bladder Buddies Patient Support Group.

    General Information (HRT)

  • Bio-identical hormones are taken from soy or wild yams and are processed in a laboratory to produce a pure hormone that has the same molecular structure as a human hormone. You’re just replacing the same thing your body was making. Don’t, however, confuse bio-identical with natural, says Dr. Cheryle Hart, a gynecologist here who has prescribed bio-identical hormones for four years through her Wellness Workshop. Premarin (an estrogen replacement) is from horse urine and that’s considered natural, but that’s not bio-identical, Hart says. A brand called Estrace (another estrogen replacement) is synthetic and bio-identical. Bio-identical simply implies that it is the same molecule that the human body makes. Bio-identical HRT.


  • Laboratories Offering Hormone Testing

  • Aeron LifeCycles Saliva Testing

    1933 Davis Street

    San Leandro, CA  94577

    (800) 631-7900

    Provides a convenient, noninvasive, and private way to assess the effectiveness of health choices relative to hormonal balance. We offer testing for estradiol, estriol, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, cortisol, total estrogens, total progestins and melatonin.

  • Great Smoky Diagnostic Laboratory or Geovations

    63 Zillicoa Street

    Asheville, NC  28801

    (800)522-4762 or (828)253-0621


  • ZRT Laboratories, Inc


    Beaverton, OR

    (503) 466-2445

    Provides at home saliva and/or blood spot tests for hormones.  Some states require a prescription and some do not.  Check your local requirements.  Also, check to see what testing your health care provider will rely upon to diagnosis your needs.  If they do not believe or understand saliva test it would be a waste of your time and money.


Medical Groups

  • Center for Endometriosis Care
    1140 Hammond Drive - Ste. F-6230

    Atlanta,  GA 30328


    (877) 212-9900

    Donna Laux, Program Director


    Medical Procedures and Information

  • Detailed description of the pre and post operative chores of hospital personal pertaining to hysterectomies.

    Natural Products for Women

  • Revival Soy
  • For vaginal dryness "Emeritra" Personal Lubricant from Transitions for Women which offers a catalogue of natural health care products for women with special emphasis on the needs of menopausal women. Some health food stores carry the "Emerita" brand or you can call:


  • GynoVite

     Optimox Corporation

    PO Box 3378

    Torrance CA  90510-3378

    (800) 223-1601

    A good post-menopausal multivitamin (and vegetarian if that's important to you).

  • Flash-Ease from Nature's Sunshine Herbs has 80 mg of black cohosh with dong quai in a time release formula.

  • This page was last updated Thursday, January 8, 2004 11:20:18
    & is located at


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    Medical disclaimer:  Always seek the advice and supervision of a health care professional when considering any information found on the Internet.  The information contained on this website cannot take the place of personalized medical advice and treatment from a qualified physician.  The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to her or his health, particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or treatment.

    Website disclaimer: Sans Uteri Hysterectomy Forum, founded by Beth Tiner October 24, 1996, has been under the leadership of Drs. Elizabeth and Marcus Plourde since October 25, 2005.

    Copyright notice:  The material on this PRIVATE list & website is copyrighted. information and listserv entries may not be reproduced, forwarded, or quoted from without written permission from the List Managers.

    © Copyright 1996-2006